GEPRIP SERVICE Sarl is a Congolese owned company which was founded in January 2017 and began as a printing company and general supplier of earth moving machinery spares. The company is proudly Congolese and is motivated by its intention to provide high quality service and excellence. The company has expanded its operations to include Mechanical Engineering works, Civil and Structure Engineering works, Process Engineering and also Supply and Delivery of various engineering products.

Over the years, Geprip Service Sarl has undertaken various challenging projects through which it has accrued skills, expertise and experiences in design and build, project management services, land surveying and related engineering works.

Geprip Service Sarl is led by a management team comprising of very experienced and well-rounded Mechanical, Processing and civil engineering professionals with extensive range of expertise in machine design and operation, mineral processing and construction.

The management team have a combined total of over twenty years’ experience in the engineering industry. Individually in their careers apart from holding key positions in the organizations they have worked for, they have played major roles in fundamental engineering projects like; road and bridge constructions, tailing dam’s construction, earth moving equipment operations and mineral processing projects and operations.

Geprip Service Sarl prides itself for engaging only the finest technical resources from the engineering industry to deliver the best possible service for our clients. The company staff employs Innovative methods and proven techniques to get the job completed on time, within budget, to the highest standard and thus our client can be always assured that only the most experienced and qualified people are serving them.

1.1 Mission Statement

Geprip Service Sarl is dedicated to providing excellent services that exceed client expectations, to enable a positive and enduring relationship with our clients in the supply chain and engineering environment thereby ensuring absolute client satisfaction. We also maintain the highest levels of professionalism, integrity, honesty and fairness in our relationship with our suppliers, sub-contractors, professional associates and customers.

1.2 Vision

To be the leaders in supply and delivering of engineering goods and services for a productive and sustainable future.

Our vision underlines our objectives by defining what we endeavor to be and how we aim to achieve this. We define our vison through;

Leaders – to be the best in the industry

Supply – To be the top supplier of incorporated goods and services

Engineering – To focus our business on creatively applying scientific principles to innovate, design, build and maintain machine tools, processes, general building and housing, general roads, tailing dams and earth works.

Sustainable future – to ensure the long-term success of our business by contributing economically and socially to the communities we operate.

1.3 Values

We treat everyone with integrity and respect, continually striving for excellence in all our activities and use the power of teamwork to deliver value. Our business is founded on our values and it is these which underpin the ethics of our business.

We define our value through;

Excellence – Work towards the highest level of service satisfaction. Use agile methods and seek innovative solutions to add value. Continually improve and adopt the best practices.

Passion – Committed and enthusiastic in all we do

Integrity – Operate professionally and ethically to gain trust. Be open and honest with each other. Respect everyone and value each other’s contribution.

Teamwork – encourage staff and management to work together, recognize the value of talented individuals working in teams. Be collaborative and partner with other organizations.

Customer Care- We believe in building value adding relationship with our customers in the following ways;

• To participate in the construction of housing, building and structures of all kinds.

• To create employment

• To preserve environment

• To participate in the construction, rehabilitation, repair and maintenance of roads of all kinds.

1.4 Why do business with us.

Our People: Geprip Service Sarl has a qualified team of engineers and project managers that have extensive experience in property development and the management of multiple

Mechanical, Civil and Manufacturing projects. The team is led by academically qualified engineers that have oversees work experience building high-rise commercial and residential properties.

Our commitment to quality work: We strive to provide quality engineering services,

and use the BS8110 and ACI 2005 standards as our yard stick. We aspire to comply

with the international and local quality assurance standards.

Our Persistence to Learn More and More: We pride Geprip Service Sarl to be a learning company that is involved in not only conducting research on effective approaches to Civil, Mechanical and Manufacturing but also in sharing our knowledge and expertise with the budding engineers and other professionals.